Slender - Bones of Children 2 game

Slender - Bones of Children 2 gamePlay

Slender is an evil character living in the forests. Faceless, he walks silently in his black suit. To defeat him find and break all seven bones of children. Children he has killed. Slender will follow you, unseen. Look for blood on the ground, as his bloodstained shoes always leave a trail. Spotted, he will stop motionless. The longer you observe him, the more dangerous he will become. After finding each and every bone, he will be more relentless, following you closer, his breath heard around you. Bones are scattered around in random places. The more of them you will find, the more determind Slender will be to defend the remaining ones. Each close encounter with Slender will end the same way - with a gruesome demise.

Slender - Bones of Children 2, play free slenderman games, related games and updates online. Added on 2017/08/10, played 1,476 times. 9.2 mb. Author szyfrq 3. Game rating 3.8 out of maximum 5, based on 30 user opinion. Rate this game

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