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42.6K games played 6.5M times.

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We offer games for all type of players, fanatic and casual games enjoy wide range of games at Games144. If you like games on our website share it with your friends on twitter, facebook, vkontakte, myspace and on your own website. Also you can bookmark games that you like to your browser and come to play regularly without losing any time in future. We have sharing widgets on every page on this site for your convenience to share quickly games that you like. Also you can see popular shared games on facebook at the top of game pages. I am sure you would like to play those games because they are enjoyed and shared by many happy game players.

Games144 adds tens new games every day. Currently we have more than 45,000 cool online games to play. To be updated subscribe to our new games RSS feed or Game of the day RSS feed. Game of the day page shows most played game for every day. Those games are very attractive and enjoyable.