Animal Magic Maker game

Animal Magic Maker gamePlay

Use the Animal Maker to mix and match pieces from various animals to create your own crazy creature.

Animal Magic Maker, play free animal games, related games and updates online. Added on 2017/08/11, played 1,577 times. 2.06 mb. Author EmeraldEmpire 5. Game rating 4.5 out of maximum 5, based on 23 user opinion. Rate this game

How to play Animal Magic Maker?

Choose from pieces in the lefthand panel. Click a piece and it will appear in the build area. From there you can select the piece and move, rotate, scale and skew it. You can also use the tollbar on the bottom to affect the selected piece. Here you can layer, color, duplicate and delete the selected piece. Other options include clearing the image and saving the image to your computer. If you want a personal gallery and access to a ton of other fun stuff you can click the Register button on the bottom to grab a free account on Emerald Activities. If you are logged in to our site, more options will be available in our makers no matter where you play them! These options include: Saving an image to your gallery - Saving pre-made assets for use in other images - You earn our currency 'Emeralds' as you play - Spend Emeralds in our market on new pieces

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animal Animal Games