Jennifer Rose Fitness with Flirt game

Jennifer Rose Fitness with Flirt gamePlay

Jennifer Rose works at the Gym and she runs Fitness classes. Help Jenny to serve incoming customers. Make them healthy and happy. Upgrade your gym after each level and don't forget to flirt with the boyfriend.

Jennifer Rose Fitness with Flirt, play free fitness games, related games and updates online. Added on 2017/08/11, played 2,016 times. 5.58 mb. Author mgf 3658. Game rating 4.6 out of maximum 5, based on 22 user opinion. Rate this game

How to play Jennifer Rose Fitness with Flirt?

Drag a visitor into the dress-room. Drag a visitor on the mat. Take the sports equipment and bring it to visitor. Drag visitor into the shower. Take the empty bottle to the trash. Take the sports equipment back. You can buy music player to slow visitors' patience. Also you can buy new fridges to sell more water. Remember, you have to flirt with the boyfriend and don?t lose lives. You will fail the game if you lose all hearts.

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