Puzzle, tap games

Play 54 free puzzle, tap games online.

puzzle × tap ×

Play the best puzzle, tap games online

We have collected 54 popular puzzle, tap games for you to play on Games144. They include new and top puzzle, tap games such as Watch The Clock, Pipe Jam, Slime Rider. Choose any puzzle, tap game from the list and you can play online on your mobile or computer for free.


What are the most popular Puzzle, Tap games?

  1. Watch The Clock
  2. Pipe Jam
  3. Slime Rider
  4. Clever Frog
  5. Pretty Tiles
  6. Brake Down
  7. Stupid Chicken
  8. Tap Tap Robot
  9. Blo Boxy HD
  10. Wood Block Tap Away

What are the best Puzzle, Tap games to play on mobile phones and tablets?

  1. Watch The Clock
  2. Slime Rider
  3. Clever Frog
  4. Pretty Tiles
  5. Brake Down