Domino 23-STOP game

Domino 23-STOP gamePlay

Plays another domino tiles that the sum of both sides (rows) of the tiles was a prime number and receive a sum equal to 23. When the sum of one side (row) of domino tiles (or both sides) is not prime you lose points. Domino tile with the number of 0 resets the sum. Domino plate with 1 place only when it gives a sum equal to the prime number - if it does not give prime number you lose 10 points. Obtaining a sum equal to 23 in a row gives you bonus: 50 points x number of obtained sums. Every three sum gets completed, you get additional draws tiles. Sum greater than 23 ends the hand and you lose points.

Domino 23-STOP, play free domino games, related games and updates online. Added on 2018/05/04, played 41 times. 399.87 kb. Author zagrajmy 45. Rate this game

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