Silent Insanity PT Psychological Trauma game

Silent Insanity PT Psychological Trauma gamePlay

Silent Insanity P.T. Psychological Trauma is a horror game inspired by silent hill and was created and developed by a Silent Hill P.T. fan. This game keeps you on the edge of your seat as you try to survive the horrors around you. You need to be brave and stand up to your fears to successfully through the game.

Silent Insanity PT Psychological Trauma, play free shooting games, related games and updates online. Added on 2021/03/23, played 198 times. Author gd 12401. Rate this game

How to play Silent Insanity PT Psychological Trauma?

Complete all of the puzzles to get out alive otherwise you will be absorbed by the darkness around you. There are 17 different levels of gameplay that you need to survive to complete the game. Good luck, you need it.

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