Sweet Mia Dress Up game

Sweet Mia Dress Up gamePlay

Help the girl Mia to find the style and charm in this beautiful dress game! Be creative and find your favorite style. There are lots of items to choose from in many categories, such as haircuts, color, hairstyle, eye color, dresses, shirts, jeans, clothing, colors dresses, shoes, color shoes, body color, lip color and nail color. Once you have created a style, you can go on a scene, and you can take a picture of a girl! Enjoy the game!

Sweet Mia Dress Up, play free mia games, related games and updates online. Added on 2020/11/10, played 18 times. Author gd 12424. Game rating 5 out of maximum 5, based on 1 user opinion. Rate this game

How to play Sweet Mia Dress Up?

Use mouse or touch the screen!

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