Renas Pedicure Spa game

Renas Pedicure Spa gamePlay

Have you ever had a pedicure before? If not you're missing out! I'm super jealous of Rena's pedicure session, she has her feet pampered, clipped and treated with gorgeous creams and then she has an amazing selection of colors, patterns and intricate tattoos and if she is feeling lavish she will get some brand new strap sandals and toe rings to finish the look off. She sure does have style!

Renas Pedicure Spa, play free spa games, related games and updates online. Added on 2021/08/27, played 544 times. Author gd 12402. Game rating 5 out of maximum 5, based on 2 user opinion. Rate this game


How to play Renas Pedicure Spa?

Use your mouse to give Rena a great pedicure!

This game can be played on mobile phone or tablet. Scan QR code to play on mobile.

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