Deadswitch 3 game

Deadswitch 3 gamePlay

Deadswitch 3 is a fast-paced multiplayer shooter with plenty of game modes, maps, and weapons! Play with other players online or set up your own matches against bots. Customize your character, custom classes, and killstreaks. Unlock new equipment as you progress through the ranks!

Deadswitch 3, play free platform games, related games and updates online. Added on 2021/09/07, played 15 times. Author gd 12422. Rate this game


How to play Deadswitch 3?

Esc/F1 - PauseWASD - MoveSpace - JumpShift - SprintControl - CrouchE - InteractR - Reload weaponQ - Switch weaponV - Melee attackZ - Use killstreakMouse wheel/arrow keys - Cycle current killstreak

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platform Platform Games