2048 games

Play 137 free 2048 games online.

2048 × merge 37 mobile 95 block 24 numbers 31 match 16
2d 21 1player 12 3d 24 ball 15 webgl 34 logic 35 friend 14 puzzle 83

Play the best 2048 games online

We have collected 137 popular 2048 games for you to play on Games144. They include new and top 2048 games such as Merge Fruit, Lets Catch, Hexa Merge. Choose any 2048 game from the list and you can play online on your mobile or computer for free.


What are the most popular 2048 games?

  1. Merge Fruit
  2. Lets Catch
  3. Hexa Merge
  4. Element Evolution
  5. Merge the Numbers
  6. 2048 Merge
  7. Merge Animals 2
  8. 1024 colorful
  9. Block Hexa Merge 2048
  10. Impossible 13

puzzle Puzzle Games