L O L Surprise O M G Style Studio game

L O L Surprise O M G Style Studio gamePlay

Welcome to the Style Studio! This Dress-up game from L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G.™ features the ever-popular Royal Bee, Neon Licious, Lady Diva and Swag, plus eighteen other fan-favorite dolls. L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G.™ Style Studio has missions in which you dress up the dolls in a specific style to get likes on social media, but you can also create your own fashion style with the items at hand. Then, show off your glamor in a photoshoot! Enjoy music from the official Fierce album during the game.

L O L Surprise O M G Style Studio, play free surprise games, related games and updates online. Added on 2023/10/11, played 6 times. Author gd 12401. Rate this game


How to play L O L Surprise O M G Style Studio?

Use the mouse or touchscreen to play. For the fashion style missions, you can check your in-game smartphone to see which items you need to complete a fashionable look. Then, buy the outfits with coins and dress up your doll with the correct clothes. You earn coins for completing a look, and you can also save the final looks of the dolls to your device!

This game can be played on mobile phone or tablet. Scan QR code to play on mobile.

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